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May 31, 2024


GLPS Families,

As the calendar rolls over from May to June, and we approach the end of the school year, it is a time to look forward to end of year events, while reflecting on the experiences this year that have gotten us to this point. In particular, it is a good time to reflect on the feedback that we receive from you throughout the year.

In my May 16th family communication, I asked you what you would tell incoming kindergarten families about GLPS, and I was very proud to see the responses. More than three out of five responses (63.3%)  included a positive comment about the district, while more than one out of five (21.1%) simply offered advice. Fewer than one out of five responses (15.5%) had something negative to say about the schools, based on the respondent’s experience. While we certainly want to address the issues raised by families who have had a negative experience, the fact that nearly 85% of our families chose to share a compliment or simple advice for new families means that GLPS is heading in the right direction. We appreciate the time all of you took to share your experiences, and we will use the information as a leadership team to celebrate success, and also to work on addressing the concerns that were raised. 

As a reminder, the survey asked for a narrative, so the data was more difficult to sort than a simple numerical response. So, in order to help me distill all of the written responses into a set of summary statements, I plugged the raw data into an AI tool to categorize them and to offer an overall conclusion. The tool provided categories such as Getting Started, Communication, Involvement & Community, Academic Supports, Practical Tips, Health & Safety, and District Insights. However, the most telling piece of data was the conclusion statement that was created from the total collection of responses; this is the conclusion the tool generated, based on all of the information in your statements:

Grand Ledge Public Schools offers a supportive and engaging environment for students. By staying informed, involved, and proactive, you can help ensure a positive and enriching experience for your child. Reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance—GLPS staff and community members are here to support you!

I think that is a wonderful statement to share with incoming kindergarten families, and it speaks to our outstanding professionals and the partnerships between GLPS, and you, our families, that make this such wonderful place to learn and grow!

We appreciate your support, and we are glad that we have the opportunity to work with you and your children every day here at GLPS. Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy the last two weeks of the school year; that time goes quickly for sure! As always, I am #proudtobeacomet!

Dr. Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools